

  • Dietary Supplement
  • Collagen + Plant Calcium & Magnesium + Vitamins D-3 & K-2
  • Lab Verified
  • Non-GMO

Strength + Flexibility Support

Your bone matrix is the internal honey-comb like structure of the bones. It is compromised primary of collagen, calcium & other minerals. Collagen, derived from the Latin word "glue", provides bones with the nutrients to help support flexibility. Minerals, like calcium, support bone strength.

Bone Matrix

  • 50% Minerals
  • 25% Collagen
  • 25% Water

Studies suggest that as we age, our bones can lose up to 50% of their strength as a result of collagen loss. Solaray Collagen Bone Complete, formulated for advanced bone matrix support, contains hydrolyzed collagen, essential plant minerals like magnesium and calcium, vitamin K-2, D-3, and C.


Types 1 & 3 marine collagen sourced from wild-caught deep sea fish.

+ Plant mineral complex 20 Ca Calcium - 12 Mg Magnesium

+ 70 Naturally occurring trace minerals


D-3 Bone growth - C collagen production - K-2 calcium absorption

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  • Dietary Supplement
  • Collagen + Plant Calcium & Magnesium + Vitamins D-3 & K-2
  • Lab Verified
  • Non-GMO

Strength + Flexibility Support

Your bone matrix is the internal honey-comb like structure of the bones. It is compromised primary of collagen, calcium & other minerals. Collagen, derived from the Latin word "glue", provides bones with the nutrients to help support flexibility. Minerals, like calcium, support bone strength.

Bone Matrix

  • 50% Minerals
  • 25% Collagen
  • 25% Water

Studies suggest that as we age, our bones can lose up to 50% of their strength as a result of collagen loss. Solaray Collagen Bone Complete, formulated for advanced bone matrix support, contains hydrolyzed collagen, essential plant minerals like magnesium and calcium, vitamin K-2, D-3, and C.


Types 1 & 3 marine collagen sourced from wild-caught deep sea fish.

+ Plant mineral complex 20 Ca Calcium - 12 Mg Magnesium

+ 70 Naturally occurring trace minerals


D-3 Bone growth - C collagen production - K-2 calcium absorption


Use only as directed. Take three VegCaps daily with a meal or glass of water.

網路價:479元,結帳享5%折扣後 456


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 含 α-硫辛酸和透明質酸
  • 試驗室驗證



網路價:735元,結帳享5%折扣後 699
網路價:431元,結帳享5%折扣後 410


  • 創立於 1947 年
  • 有助於維持眼睛健康
  • 機體抵抗健康和皮膚支持
  • Non-GMO
  • 不含小麥和乳製品
  • 適合全素食者
  • 經認可無麩質
  • 猶太潔食認可
  • 膳食補充劑

維生素 A 支援機體抵抗系統和皮膚的健康,以及健康的眼睛和視力。這種配方以方便的乾片劑形式提供給那些難以使用油基補充劑補充的人士。


作為成年人的膳食補充劑,每日 1 片,建議隨餐服用,或遵醫囑。

網路價:217元,結帳享5%折扣後 207